







I write about the built environment—architecture, landscapes, cities, infrastructure—and the way culture, economics, and politics shape and are shaped by places we make.

I’m the editor at Landscape Architecture Magazine, where I concoct, assign, edit, and usher to publication stories about landscape architecture, very broadly defined. I also write for the magazine when something piques my interest, primarily features about landscape, culture, cities, race, infrastructure, art, rural communities, and environmental and economic justice. Examples of my writing for the magazine can be found on the Writing page.

I am also the founder of Mapping the Green Book, a project that I started in 2011 as a fellow at the National Museum of African American History and Culture that looks at the landscape of cultural, economic, and social networks created by the Green Book and other travel guides for African Americans published in the 20th century. I was a historical advisor on the documentary from Dr. Gretchen Sorin and Ric Burns Driving While Black, now streaming on PBS. In 2022, I’ll be focusing on a narrative project with the photographer Sahar Coston-Hardy about the Green Book called The Spaces in Between. You can find a bit more on the Green Book work on the What’s New page.

I have an MA and PhD in Architectural History from the University of Virginia, and if you want to know more about that, you can find my CV here .